First, the June Field Day. AVARC set up two stations, complete with towers and triband yagis, in the sports field adjacent to the Annapolis West Education Centre in Annapolis Royal. We had a score of 2520, which was good for second place in the 2A category in the Maritime Section, behind the Kings County Amateur Radio Club. We were number 9 of 31 entries in all of Canada in the 2A category.
In the Winter Field Day last January we operated in the 1H category. Once again, we did very well. Our score of 20,876 was good enough for the top station in any category in Canada, and top station in the 1H category in North America. Overall, we were #4 in North America in the “Home” category. It’s worth mentioning that the 3 stations that were ahead of us used 3, 4 and 6 transmitters respectively to earn higher scores than we did.
So – excellent results! Thanks very much to all those who took part or assisted!