AVARC Field Day 2018

Hello everyone,

Well, the snow is gone, and the days are getting both warmer and longer, so it’s time to start thinking about Field Day!

Field Day 2018 will take place on the weekend of 23 – 24 June.  This year AVARC will conduct a joint Field Day with the Kings County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC).  With the resources of both clubs available for the event, we should be able to properly man all stations for the weekend.  More importantly, a joint Field Day will promote cooperation between the two clubs, something that will pay dividends should Amateurs be called upon to provide communications in an emergency.

AVARC will provide a complete HF station, as well as a VHF/satellite station.  The location is the sports field near the water tank off Collins Road in Port Williams.  Details are yet to be worked out, but be sure to mark 23 – 24 June in your calendars!


AVARC Field Day results – Summer and Winter

Once again, members of AVARC have demonstrated that they are ready and able to assist emergency officials in time of disaster – summer AND winter!

First, the June Field Day.  AVARC set up two stations, complete with towers and triband yagis, in the sports field adjacent to the Annapolis West Education Centre in Annapolis Royal.  We had a score of 2520, which was good for second place in the 2A category in the Maritime Section, behind the Kings County Amateur Radio Club.  We were number 9 of 31 entries in all of Canada in the 2A category.

In the Winter Field Day last January we operated in the 1H category.  Once again, we did very well.  Our score of 20,876 was good enough for the top station in any category in Canada, and top station in the 1H category in North America. Overall, we were #4 in North America in the “Home” category.  It’s worth mentioning that the 3 stations that were ahead of us used 3, 4 and 6 transmitters respectively to earn higher scores than we did.

So – excellent results!  Thanks very much to all those who took part or assisted!

Signals from space – Annapolis Royal students learn amateur radio for June launch

©Lawrence Powell

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL – Al Penney can bounce radio signals off the moon, but right now he’s working with high school students who want to send live video back to Earth from the edge of space.

Annapolis West Education Centre student Abigail Bonnington holds a video camera hardly bigger than a sugar cube. It’s attached to a small transmitter that will send signal to a laptop.

It stopped working and now Penney and Bonnington are troubleshooting. It has to be operational or replaced by sometime in June when the Annapolis Royal Space Agency launches its second ‘package’ deep into the stratosphere – 30 or 40 kilometres up.

Penney is with the Annapolis Valley Amateur Radio Club and has been working with the students since the fall.

Read the full story in the Annapolis County Spectator