AVARC Field Day 2018

Hello everyone,

Well, the snow is gone, and the days are getting both warmer and longer, so it’s time to start thinking about Field Day!

Field Day 2018 will take place on the weekend of 23 – 24 June.  This year AVARC will conduct a joint Field Day with the Kings County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC).  With the resources of both clubs available for the event, we should be able to properly man all stations for the weekend.  More importantly, a joint Field Day will promote cooperation between the two clubs, something that will pay dividends should Amateurs be called upon to provide communications in an emergency.

AVARC will provide a complete HF station, as well as a VHF/satellite station.  The location is the sports field near the water tank off Collins Road in Port Williams.  Details are yet to be worked out, but be sure to mark 23 – 24 June in your calendars!


Field Day 2016 Results Published

Hello everyone,

The Field Day results have been published, and it looks like The Annapolis Valley Amateur Radio Club did very well!  Our score was 2276 points, placing us fifth overall in the ARRL Maritime Section. We actually had the second highest number of participants, and the third greatest number of QSOs – Well Done!

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