AWEC Antenna Class

Amateur Radio antenna class for students from the Annapolis West Education Centre in Annapolis Royal. We covered the theory of transmissions lines and antennas first, then made some practical measurements, and finally went outside to set up a portable HF station. With 100 watts from a battery-powered transceiver and a simple dipole antenna, we worked stations all over Europe and North America.

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New HF Manager for IARU Region 2

Congratulations Al!

Alphonse Penney, VO1NO, Appointed HF Manager for IARU Region 2

January 26, 2016

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 Executive Committee has appointed Al Penney, VO1NO, RAC’s Band Planning Committee Chair, as the HF Band Manager for IARU Region 2.

The official announcement from IARU R2 can be found at:

In Region 2, Canada’s proximity to both of the other International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Regions offers a unique perspective on how small the world is for radio propagation and the need to coordinate band usage to minimize interference and maximize the Amateur spectrum for all. Al is an excellent choice with his on-the-air experience and as the current Chair of the RAC Band Planning Committee. Please join me in congratulating Al on his new role.

73, George Gorsline, VE3YV
International Affairs Officer
Radio Amateurs of/du Canada

New Bi-Directional iGate

I’ve set up a bi-directional APRS IGate in the Kingston area and it is now “live”. While there is an existing IGate, it is RF to IS only, limiting APRS usage in the area to just position reporting. Mine will give APRS users within RF range of the VE1ARC digipeater full two-way messaging capability. SMS or email to/from your radio. Query the IGate for local services/businesses (I will have to add many more than I have so far, that will be ongoing).