Field Day 2018

Field Day is this upcoming weekend!  This year, AVARC will conduct a joint Field Day with the Kings County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC).  With the recent emphasis on emergency communications by both clubs, collaborating for Field Day will enhance our ability to work together in an actual disaster.

Dates and Times:
Field Day will take place on the weekend of 23/24 June 2018.  Setup will start at 1500 Friday afternoon.  The operating part of Field Day starts at 1500 Saturday and continues for 24 hours.  We will then tear down and return home.

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Emergency Preparedness Week 2018

Kings County, NS – May 6 – 12, 2018 is recognized in Kings County as Emergency Preparedness Week. This is an annual event that takes place each year during the first full week of May, and this year’s theme is “Be Emergency Ready.”

Read the REMO Emergency Preparedness Week Press Release Here

For more information on preparing a Home Emergency Plan, and to learn how to prepare for all types of emergencies, visit or follow @REMO_KingsCty on Twitter.